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Seraphinite Accelerator 2.22.15

Seraphinite Accelerator 2.22.15

♥ Loved by Many!

8 sales

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GPL License

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $3.99.

  • Verified from VirusTotal
  • 100% Original Product and Virus Free.
  • Free New Version Lifetime On Single Purchase.
  • Unlimited Website Usage
  • Price is in US dollars and included tax

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  • Products Are Purchased and Downloaded From Original Authors.
  • The File is 100% Completely Untouched and Unmodified.
  • Last Update: 29.Nov.2024
  • Version: 2.22.15

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Product Description and Reviews

Seraphinite Accelerator | Speed up a WordPress site on mobile and desktop!

Fastest cache engine – A high-performance file cache engine works as fast as possible on your site.
High load tolerance – Cache revalidation uses minimum resources.
Security – User cached sessions are protected from brute force attacks.
Multiple CDN – Rearrange balance on multiple CDNs to be faster and decrease costs.
Optimization plugins compatibility – Many 3rd party optimization plugins can be used.
Lazy revalidation – Pages speed is always highest even while content updating.
Various range of encoding – GZip, Deflate, Compress, Brotli, Uncompressed are supported.
Cache storage space optimization – The same parts are stored uniquely, which significantly saves space.
Cache data compression – Decreases storage data occupation.
Users cache – Smart caching of user’ dependent pages like shop cart, online courses, etc.
Browser cache – Leverage browser caching via .htaccess to reduce server load.
HTML error-correcting and checking – Managing unescaped scripts, misplaced and lost tags.
Caching separation – Data is different for various devices and environments.
Content size optimization – Minification of Java-scripts, styles (CSS), HTML.
Media load optimization – Lazy loading of images, video, frames, fonts.
Scripts load optimization – Java-scripts and styles (CSS) lazy loading, inlining, and deferring.
No site registration and quoting – There is no any site registration and no time or page count quota.
No page views limits – There is no limit of 5000 page views per month. In free version after reaching that limit the product will just


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Top Selling

Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $3.99.

1517 sales

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $3.99.

576 sales

Original price was: $249.00.Current price is: $3.99.

373 sales



Original price was: $129.00.Current price is: $3.99.

325 sales

Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $3.99.

281 sales

Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $3.99.

266 sales


Newspaper WordPress Theme 12.6.8

Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $3.99.

184 sales

Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $3.99.

166 sales

Seraphinite Accelerator | Speed up a WordPress site on mobile and desktop!

Fastest cache engine – A high-performance file cache engine works as fast as possible on your site.
High load tolerance – Cache revalidation uses minimum resources.
Security – User cached sessions are protected from brute force attacks.
Multiple CDN – Rearrange balance on multiple CDNs to be faster and decrease costs.
Optimization plugins compatibility – Many 3rd party optimization plugins can be used.
Lazy revalidation – Pages speed is always highest even while content updating.
Various range of encoding – GZip, Deflate, Compress, Brotli, Uncompressed are supported.
Cache storage space optimization – The same parts are stored uniquely, which significantly saves space.
Cache data compression – Decreases storage data occupation.
Users cache – Smart caching of user’ dependent pages like shop cart, online courses, etc.
Browser cache – Leverage browser caching via .htaccess to reduce server load.
HTML error-correcting and checking – Managing unescaped scripts, misplaced and lost tags.
Caching separation – Data is different for various devices and environments.
Content size optimization – Minification of Java-scripts, styles (CSS), HTML.
Media load optimization – Lazy loading of images, video, frames, fonts.
Scripts load optimization – Java-scripts and styles (CSS) lazy loading, inlining, and deferring.
No site registration and quoting – There is no any site registration and no time or page count quota.
No page views limits – There is no limit of 5000 page views per month. In free version after reaching that limit the product will just


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Seraphinite Accelerator
Seraphinite Accelerator 2.22.15
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